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Breastfeeding professionals supporting a mother.

Professionals who can help

Breastfeeding is a valuable experience, but can sometimes present challenges. Fortunately, there are many specialized professionals who can offer valuable support to breastfeeding moms. These breastfeeding professionals are trained to answer questions, solve problems and encourage mothers throughout their breastfeeding journey. Don’t hesitate to ask your midwife if she is also a lactation consultant or IBCLC-certified, for example. This is not always the case. Each training program devotes a different number of hours to the subject of breastfeeding. Here’s a guide to the different professionals who can help mothers. Certified lactation consultants (IBCLC) Role and training : IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) certified lactation consultants are healthcare professionals specializing in the clinical management of breastfeeding. They have undergone rigorous training and passed an international certification exam. Services offered : Assessment of suckling and positioning techniques Assistance with lactation problems such as cracks, mastitis, and engorgement … Advice on using breast pumps and managing breast milk stocks Support for mothers of premature babies or babies with special needs Where to find them : IBCLC lactation consultants often work in hospitals, clinics, private practices, and sometimes as freelancers. You can find them through professional associations or referrals from your doctor. On the IBCLC website, you can consult a directory of all certified lactation consultants. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you can’t find a certified lactation consultant in your area. Midwives Role and training : Midwives are health professionals specializing in prenatal care, childbirth and postnatal care. They are trained to support breastfeeding and can offer practical and emotional advice to new mothers. Services offered : Breastfeeding advice from the first days after birth Help in managing the early challenges of breastfeeding Emotional support and encouragement Monitoring baby’s growth and development Where to find them: Midwives work in hospitals, birthing centers, and also offer home-based services. You can contact them directly or through your GP. To compare, you can, for example, ask them what training they have undergone or in which region they are active. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you’re looking for a midwife in your area. La Leche League breastfeeding consultants Role and training: La Leche League lactation consultants are experienced breastfeeding mothers trained to offer support and information based on La Leche League International recommendations. Services offered : Group meetings for breastfeeding mothers Telephone or online support Information on breastfeeding techniques and positions Advice on overcoming common breastfeeding challenges. Where to find them: La Leche League organizes local meetings and has counselors available by phone or online. Visit the La Leche League website to find a counselor near you. Pediatricians Role and training : Pediatricians are doctors who specialize in children’s health. They play an important role in monitoring the growth and development of infants. However, pediatricians are not breastfeeding specialists. They can refer you to an ibclc-certified midwife or lactation consultant. Services Offered : Regular medical monitoring of the baby Referral to other specialists Where to find them : Pediatricians work in clinics, hospitals and private practices. You can contact them directly to make an appointment. Hospital lactation consultants Role and training : Hospital lactation consultants work directly in maternity and neonatal wards. They are often on hand to help mothers as soon as the baby is born. Services offered : Immediate help after delivery to initiate breastfeeding Advice on breastfeeding techniques and positions Support for mothers of premature babies or babies with special needs Postnatal follow-up during hospital stays Referring parents to the right people outside the hospital once maternity care is over Where to find them: They are generally available in public and private hospitals. Check with your healthcare institution to find out if this service is available. Conclusion Breastfeeding professionals are invaluable resources for breastfeeding moms, provided they are genuinely well-trained. Whether it’s overcoming initial challenges, solving specific problems, or simply getting advice and support, these experts are there to help. Don’t hesitate to call on their services to make your breastfeeding experience as positive and successful as possible. For more information, consult local resources or talk to your healthcare professional to be directed to the right specialist. Don’t forget to check your health insurance to see which treatments and sessions with professionals are reimbursed.