Why express milk?

Expressing milk can seem tedious. Whether for medical, practical or personal reasons, here are the main reasons why mothers choose to express their milk.

1. Maintain milk production

For many mothers, returning to work shortly after the birth of their baby is a reality. Expressing milk helps maintain milk production when you are away, thus avoiding the need for powdered milk. This allows you to continue providing breast milk to your baby, even in your absence, ensuring that your baby receives the nutritional and immune benefits of breast milk.

2. Stimulate lactation

After giving birth, it is sometimes necessary to express milk to stimulate lactation for various medical reasons. In these situations, contact your ibclc/midwife from the start to understand why you are lacking milk. Breast pump stimulation should be temporary. Your midwife/ibclc/doctor must understand why you are lacking milk and overcome it with lasting solutions. But in the meantime, expressing your milk will be a great help in increasing milk production. At the same time, we must also always assess the baby’s sucking at the breast and treat it if necessary.

3. Make it easier to breastfeed

When the breasts are too tight or engorged, expressing a little milk before feeding can make the breasts more supple and make it easier for the baby to latch on.

4. Providing breast milk to a premature or sick baby

Some premature or sick babies cannot breastfeed directly from the breast. In these situations, expressing milk helps provide them with the essential nutrients they need to grow and develop. Breast milk acts as a true “medicine” for these babies, helping to speed their recovery and often reducing hospitalization time.

5. Create a milk reserve

Building up a reserve of breast milk can be very practical, especially for periods of absence of any kind.


Expressing milk can meet a variety of practical and medical needs. If you are considering pumping, do not hesitate to consult a lactation consultant for personalized advice and to ensure that you are using the method best suited to your needs.